This is a complete Frontend Web Development Roadmap to get started with
Frontend development is the branch of software development dealing with building graphical web interfaces using core technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Have a basic understanding of some tools such as
- vs code
- sublime
- Notepad ++
- Figma
- Canva
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe illustrator
- Adobe InDesign
- HTML stand for Hyper Text Markup language.
- HTML is the markup language for web pag.
- With HTML you can creat own website.
Learn the basic HTML
- File Structure
- Basic Tag
- Attributes
- Forms
- Semantic HTML
- SEO Practice
- Adding Styling
- CSS stands for cascading Style Sheets.
- CSS describes how HTML elements are to be displayed on the screen, on paper, or in other media
Learn the basic CSS
- File structure
- Selectors
- Basic properties
- CSS units
- Positioning
- Display
- Media queries
- Flexbox
- Gride
JavaScript :
- JavaScript is a dynamic programming language that's used in Web Development.
- JavaScript can updates and change both HTML and CSS.
Learn the basic JavaScript
- Variables
- Data types
- Console
- Operators
- conditionals
- Functions
- Array
- Object
- The DOM
Frontend frameworks :
- React
- Angular
- VueJs
- jQuery
- Emberjs
State management :
- React: redux
- Angular: NGRX
- Vue: Vuex
Static site Generators :
- Gatsby
- Nextjs
Server side Rendering :
- React: Nextjs
- Anguler: univrersal
Packege Manager:
- Yarn
Version Control :
- Git
- GitHub